I went the Draper Temple! It is so beautiful inside and the spirit is so strong. I can't help it I just smile half the time. Especially when I am getting baptized for the dead. I can feel their presence so strongly I can almost see them. Or at least it feels like it.
I wasn't as cold as I was last time. but my feet were freezing. I love looking at the stain glass windows. for some reason I love glass. I love colored glass, shards of glass, balls of glass, basically any thing that is clear or at least see through glass I love. (Maybe it is because my grandpa (Opa) does stain glass windows for temples):) It is cool to go inside the shop where you get to see how the glass is polished and cleaned.
There is a sand blasting room where you have to put on a type of helmet so the pieces of sand that fly of the glass don't get in your eyes and then there is a I guess suite that you put on and I'm not exactly shore why we have to wear that. There is a hose that shoots out I think a bit of water and air. The sand is so soft, it is like an orange color.
Oh, and I will have another video soon. It will be a surprise of what I'm doing. It isn't way fantastic. But I think this is pretty cool:

I wrote it on Finale Note Pad. The way it works is you have to buy a midi cord and then download the soft ware. Then finally you hook it up to your electric piano and walla! there it is! you can now write songs! Of course it is more complicated than that, but you get the idea. In my song here is a harp, a piano and two violins. There are many other choices of interments. It is really fun to write songs. It feels so good when you finally have it done and you get to listen to it. of course while you're writing it you can click the play button and it will play.
Well I hope that who ever is reading this will have a good or evening. Or sleep good!