Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Life Since Christmas

  Well I had a wonderful Christmas. I got a very beautiful jewelry box from my oma (grandma) along with some jewelry and makeup. And I got a tablet here at home. It was a wonderful Christmas.
  So since then I got CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) and have been very angry about it.  Because my life evolves around  the piano, violin and harp. So I was pretty mad when I got it. For THREE weeks I didn't get to practice any instruments. But my mom found a cure!!!!!! It is Cod Liver Oil. It might not just  be that because I have been taking a lot of other stuff but I played the piano for like an hour today and I don't feel any pain in my wrists at all!!!
  I also switched schools because the kids at kids were really dumb. Even though I really disliked most of them it hurt so terribly bad to leave them. I guess it was because at first I was just so happy to be in one place and not move to a new school. I have gone to a different school ever since I was eight (I am 12). And I love like almost every one I meet. So It was really hard to leave.
   After I felt so hurt and angry at them. They were nice but so mean at the same time.  Every time I think of them I feel missing and dislike towards them.   My goal right now is to stay POSITIVE. Because when your not positive I think it makes things seem a lot worse then they really are.
  The new school that I am going to is wonderful. Every one there is so nice and polite. It feels so weird to be excepted at a school but wonderful too. All the girls are friendly and all the boys are gentlemen and have good manners (very unlike the other boys at my school, well most of them). 
  Isn't is funny how life can seem so wonderful one moment and then the next seem like there could be a million things better? Well when I find myself wishing for a lot of different things to better I think of all my blessings and that every thing could be a lot worse. So whenever you are feeling down just make a list of all of your blessings (and if you can't think of any thing than you aren't thinking hard enough) or just think that it could be a lot worse.  And my mom and I are baby sitting three (whiny)  little kids almost the whole day to earn some extra money. They are so much work! Oh well. At least we can earn the extra money.
  About three weeks ago I just was feeling so mad at the world. The kids my mom (and I) are baby sitting during the day were way whiny, needy, messy and  loud.  So I prayed not for them to disappear into mid air (even though I would have liked that very much) I prayed for strength to be nice to them and stay positive.  I didn't want to talk to my mom about every thing because she was stressed out enough and my dad was gone so I couldn't talk to him. It is amazing what prayer can do. My life isn't any less crazy but I know that this stage of life won't last for ever.  So 'I just lift up my chin and grin!'  I love that play/show.

 Have a nice day!