Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Old Friends

I got to see some old friends last night! It was so much fun! I haven't seen them for about two years. They came over at six thirty and stayed till nine. We spent most of our time out side playing games. We ran from my little brother almost the hole time (who might I add had gone crazy and had prepared himself with weapons, wooden Thor hammer, Nerf gun, pocket knife, Butter knife ect,).
We ran around the block at full speed and ran around a lot more.  So we were pretty tired at the end of the day.
Then later when it was dark we went to a"field" (really it is just an open walk way with grass) behind my house and we had fun with sword duels. My brother Ethan (Cedric is the one who was chasing us) has been doing Nights of Freedom. So we had three swords and shields to battle with. It was fun.

P.S. Cedric is eight. (in case you don't know) :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Little Peek Into my Summer and a Challenge for You

Hello whoever is reading this blog,  sorry I have not been posting!  I will try to post more! since you are probably wondering what has happened during the summer this is what happened:
  I went to girls camp (one of my best experiences ever!), I went to Bear Lake with my family (all of my moms side of the family and we rented a huge cabin), I had some sleep overs,  I saw some old friends of mine, and if you remember I talked about Fantisie Impromptu (by Chopan) any ways I finally got the right timing down! and I started school!!!!!
Well not public school.  It is a Harmony Program called E.S.P.. It is awesome! 

I just thought of some thing.  I have a challenge for who ever is reading this well I guess it is not a big challenge but here it is:  I want you to right your name like this:
C... and so forth. After that right some thing good or positive about your self.  Like this:
Courageous. Or you could be creative and do some thing like:
Amazing at (then you put some thing)
Backflippingly incredible
Creatively awesoem

Do what ever you want but do it and be positive!
Each of you who are reading this be positive! I found that being positive can change the world inside you!