I can't wait for Christmas!! We (my family) are going to my Oma's (German for Grandma's) house on the 24th and opening presents there then we go home and in the morning we open presents in the morning at my house and after that we go to my Grandma's house around dinner and open presents. It is so much fun (no I am not spoiled, well sort of around Christmas time) :)
I just hope we still aren't sick around Christmas.
The flu has been going around in our neighborhood. Ugh. Luckily I do not have it. :) But I wish I had it instead of my little sister Milly. When she gets fevers it always gets really bad. I am just glad that I can clean the house for my mom. I think I am starting to get it though :( Bet we are getting some remedies that are coming in the mail that will help us to get better.
Merry Christmas every one!!!!!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
My Day That went by Really Fast
My mom has been sick for around six years w/ lime disease. It has not bean easy. Especially around winter because of all the other sicknesses going around. And if she catches one of these sicknesses then she is extra weak, dizzy and tired. Witch is exactly what has happened.
I had already filled and emptied the dishwasher to day when my mom came in and asked me to do it again, explaining that she had no one else to help her through pants of breath from walking up the stairs. I decided that I would not only empty and fill the dishwasher (and clean the cat litter box which she asked me to do later), I would clean the whole kitchen.
I have found myself wishing that Christmas time was not here. It is always so busy. There are so many performances. Money is always too tight because of all the presents we probably don't deserve (but want), are bought and there are too many parties. and tests at school before the brake. Sigh. I know I am really focusing on the negative things right now. I guess I just want peace for Christmas.
I want Christmas to be in the Summer so people aren't so sick.
I hate it when my mom gets really sick. I wish she could be better more often. Only like every other month does she get a week at the most where she can be herself. I don't understand why Heavenly Father doesn't just make her better, which I know he can, I just know that there is a reason for this trial. The best we can do in trials is have our chin up and continue on like it is Heaven on Earth (which I admit is not always easy).
I watched a movie today and it basically said that people should be judge by their character. And I totally agree. Too often people "judge a book by its cover". They don't care why some one acts this way or that and I feel that we should not judge others by their appearance when we don't even know their intentions.
I find myself judging myself sometimes, which I believe we all do. but we should just love our self's for who we are. I know that may not be easy but think of what every one else' lifes would be like without you.
I used to think that hard trials were only given by God to those who could take it. I used to think that I was weak. Well let me tell you this: NO ONE is weak. I know that every one is here for a purpose and a reason.
(I know this was not all very clear and I went from one topic to another).
Merry Christmas
I had already filled and emptied the dishwasher to day when my mom came in and asked me to do it again, explaining that she had no one else to help her through pants of breath from walking up the stairs. I decided that I would not only empty and fill the dishwasher (and clean the cat litter box which she asked me to do later), I would clean the whole kitchen.
I have found myself wishing that Christmas time was not here. It is always so busy. There are so many performances. Money is always too tight because of all the presents we probably don't deserve (but want), are bought and there are too many parties. and tests at school before the brake. Sigh. I know I am really focusing on the negative things right now. I guess I just want peace for Christmas.
I want Christmas to be in the Summer so people aren't so sick.
I hate it when my mom gets really sick. I wish she could be better more often. Only like every other month does she get a week at the most where she can be herself. I don't understand why Heavenly Father doesn't just make her better, which I know he can, I just know that there is a reason for this trial. The best we can do in trials is have our chin up and continue on like it is Heaven on Earth (which I admit is not always easy).
I watched a movie today and it basically said that people should be judge by their character. And I totally agree. Too often people "judge a book by its cover". They don't care why some one acts this way or that and I feel that we should not judge others by their appearance when we don't even know their intentions.
I find myself judging myself sometimes, which I believe we all do. but we should just love our self's for who we are. I know that may not be easy but think of what every one else' lifes would be like without you.
I used to think that hard trials were only given by God to those who could take it. I used to think that I was weak. Well let me tell you this: NO ONE is weak. I know that every one is here for a purpose and a reason.
(I know this was not all very clear and I went from one topic to another).
Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 14, 2013
My very crazy day.
:) :) I feel so relieved that my performance is now over. But I am kinda sad at the same time. It was so much fun. This performance was for my school. For ballroom we did cha-cha and for musical theater we did the finale scene to into the woods. We had multiple schools there so I got to see some old friends.
The cha-cha dresses were black and went to the knees with flat beads about the size of a ping ball. We had to buy ball room shoes, suntan tights and some black short shorts to go underneath it. The ball room shoes were actually just tan high heels the cut my right foot and made my legs really sore (because I had to position my self in a certain way that made my legs really sore.
This whole day I was praying in my head that every thing would go okay. All week actually. Earlier today I had a rehearsal for choir in the morning and later on I had the rehearsal for musical theater and ballroom.
It has been such a crazy day and I am suppose to babysit at seven thirty. Sigh. It will be all right because the two girls will be asleep. Which I really hope I won't do once I get there. One of the reasons I am writing on her is to keep me awake (and of course because I want it on record).
Hmmmmm..........I feel so proud (even though I messed up in ballroom, oh well pouting about it won't help.). ;)
Just to write more about my day, I was surprisingly calm. I was very calm well that is not entirely true. My dad and I were running into stores to by everything for the performance and the dress rehearsal. it was kinda funny. ;)
I am so tired. Lets hope I don't fall asleep while baby sitting. (I woke up at seven, yes I know that is not very early to some people but I am a night owl not an early bird).
So to sum it all up: I had two different dress rehearsals and I performed for I don't know how long.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. I probably miss spelled some stuff.
The cha-cha dresses were black and went to the knees with flat beads about the size of a ping ball. We had to buy ball room shoes, suntan tights and some black short shorts to go underneath it. The ball room shoes were actually just tan high heels the cut my right foot and made my legs really sore (because I had to position my self in a certain way that made my legs really sore.
This whole day I was praying in my head that every thing would go okay. All week actually. Earlier today I had a rehearsal for choir in the morning and later on I had the rehearsal for musical theater and ballroom.
It has been such a crazy day and I am suppose to babysit at seven thirty. Sigh. It will be all right because the two girls will be asleep. Which I really hope I won't do once I get there. One of the reasons I am writing on her is to keep me awake (and of course because I want it on record).
Hmmmmm..........I feel so proud (even though I messed up in ballroom, oh well pouting about it won't help.). ;)
Just to write more about my day, I was surprisingly calm. I was very calm well that is not entirely true. My dad and I were running into stores to by everything for the performance and the dress rehearsal. it was kinda funny. ;)
I am so tired. Lets hope I don't fall asleep while baby sitting. (I woke up at seven, yes I know that is not very early to some people but I am a night owl not an early bird).
So to sum it all up: I had two different dress rehearsals and I performed for I don't know how long.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. I probably miss spelled some stuff.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Baby Sitting
I was baby sitting to day and so the little boy that I baby sit (his name is Lincon), randomly found a top of a flash light. Weird. :} Now we had three other kids over (we/my mom and I baby sit them threee days a week for the whole day, well until dinner.)
So I was kinda occupied with them (mostly the seven month old) and there were some paper towels sitting out. After getting some food ready I look over and Lincon is shredding the paper towels to bit.
I quickly went over and took the paper towels from him before I realized that he had shoved the flach light top he had found in there.
It was just the right size that it fit in there so perfectly it proved to be almost impossible to get out. So I worked on getting it out for like five minutes with a worried little Lincon looking up at me. Silly little boy. I had to get a long wooden spoon and push it through.
Earlier today I had to change his diaper :{. So when I went to throw it out the trash cans were not in the garage, they were out side. I had my slippers on. But I was annoyed with every thing in life at that moment (yes I know it is still the same day and I am feeling much better) so I just took of my slippers and went outside in the snow bare foot to throw it away.
I did it again just barely.
Right now Lincon is at his house with his mom probably getting into some thing he is not suppose to get into (he does that A LOT) and the little seven month old is attempting to open my violin case that is right next to me and Angih (she is four) is singing and playing the piano and pretending she is selling my Christmas book to customers.
She can be really sweat but every one has a dark side. Well not really a dark side but just quirks, you know?
Baby sitting can get tiring. But it is worth it because you get the money. In one case I get a back massage. :} :)
So I was kinda occupied with them (mostly the seven month old) and there were some paper towels sitting out. After getting some food ready I look over and Lincon is shredding the paper towels to bit.
I quickly went over and took the paper towels from him before I realized that he had shoved the flach light top he had found in there.
It was just the right size that it fit in there so perfectly it proved to be almost impossible to get out. So I worked on getting it out for like five minutes with a worried little Lincon looking up at me. Silly little boy. I had to get a long wooden spoon and push it through.
Earlier today I had to change his diaper :{. So when I went to throw it out the trash cans were not in the garage, they were out side. I had my slippers on. But I was annoyed with every thing in life at that moment (yes I know it is still the same day and I am feeling much better) so I just took of my slippers and went outside in the snow bare foot to throw it away.
I did it again just barely.
Right now Lincon is at his house with his mom probably getting into some thing he is not suppose to get into (he does that A LOT) and the little seven month old is attempting to open my violin case that is right next to me and Angih (she is four) is singing and playing the piano and pretending she is selling my Christmas book to customers.
She can be really sweat but every one has a dark side. Well not really a dark side but just quirks, you know?
Baby sitting can get tiring. But it is worth it because you get the money. In one case I get a back massage. :} :)
Ward Christmas Party, Notes and Tour of the Tabernacle
We had the wards Christmas party on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. I got to play my songs and I messed up a little bit in the beginning and got really embarrassed. But the rest was really good.
I also played where are you Christmas with my friend Caitlin. (She was on the violin and I was on the piano).
Every one loved our songs.
There are some really talented people in our ward.There was a guitar duet and the younger kid had fingers going all over the finger board (he was playing the melody).
There was another very talented young girl who was about seven and sung a song from the polar express and was amazing at it. She hit all the note almost perfectly.
So around Thanksgiving, my ward and and some other wards (all the wards were like a stake) we sung at one of Hillary Weeks performances. It was amazing. One of the videos she played was this:
So I asked my friend if she wanted to something like this. So we made 28 notes and put them in the cracks of the doors at all the houses. And we have 88 more we are going to deliver.
We just write kind things in them and at the end we wrote merry Christmas!
The YW and YM went to temple square last night it was so much fun. We got a tour of the Tabernacle. It was so amazing!!
There are around 270 seats but they have like 300 people in the Choir. It is because every person does not have to make it to the practices or performances.
They have a men's wardrobe and a womens wardrobe. And apparently it is difficult to have all the men dress in the same thing 'cause all the suits basically look the same.
they have on lady make all the dresses. She has been in the Tabernacle longer than any one there. And she makes all the dresses (the guide told us it was like 200 dresses!).
The organ is actually on a platform that can turn. so when the choir is singing the audience doesn't watch the organist they watch the choir instead.
When the organist is doing a solo or some thing like that they turn it to face the audience.
The room is so echo-y. If you were to stand at the opposite side of the room and a pin was dropped you would be able to hear perfectly from the opposite side of the room.
The roof of the Tabernacle used to not be sealed onto the Tabernacle. It was just sitting there but it weighed to much that it wasn't going any where.
If an earth quake happened it might a little bit. But now they secured it so if the roof goes so deos the rest of the building. :[ Not sure that is a good thing.
Then after that was over we went to see the lights at temple square and got some hot chocolate.
It was so much fun!
Merry Christmas!!
I also played where are you Christmas with my friend Caitlin. (She was on the violin and I was on the piano).
Every one loved our songs.
There are some really talented people in our ward.There was a guitar duet and the younger kid had fingers going all over the finger board (he was playing the melody).
There was another very talented young girl who was about seven and sung a song from the polar express and was amazing at it. She hit all the note almost perfectly.
So around Thanksgiving, my ward and and some other wards (all the wards were like a stake) we sung at one of Hillary Weeks performances. It was amazing. One of the videos she played was this:
So I asked my friend if she wanted to something like this. So we made 28 notes and put them in the cracks of the doors at all the houses. And we have 88 more we are going to deliver.
We just write kind things in them and at the end we wrote merry Christmas!
The YW and YM went to temple square last night it was so much fun. We got a tour of the Tabernacle. It was so amazing!!
There are around 270 seats but they have like 300 people in the Choir. It is because every person does not have to make it to the practices or performances.
They have a men's wardrobe and a womens wardrobe. And apparently it is difficult to have all the men dress in the same thing 'cause all the suits basically look the same.
they have on lady make all the dresses. She has been in the Tabernacle longer than any one there. And she makes all the dresses (the guide told us it was like 200 dresses!).
The organ is actually on a platform that can turn. so when the choir is singing the audience doesn't watch the organist they watch the choir instead.
When the organist is doing a solo or some thing like that they turn it to face the audience.
The room is so echo-y. If you were to stand at the opposite side of the room and a pin was dropped you would be able to hear perfectly from the opposite side of the room.
The roof of the Tabernacle used to not be sealed onto the Tabernacle. It was just sitting there but it weighed to much that it wasn't going any where.
If an earth quake happened it might a little bit. But now they secured it so if the roof goes so deos the rest of the building. :[ Not sure that is a good thing.
Then after that was over we went to see the lights at temple square and got some hot chocolate.
It was so much fun!
Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Ward Christmas Party!!!
I am so excited yet so nervous for the ward Christmas party. It is in two days. I am playing two musical numbers. The fist is Sleigh Ride piano duet and the second is Where Are You Christmas? I am playing the piano and my friend will be on the violin.
The theme is The Grinch/Who ville. My mom was assigned to the decorations and has been really busy with all that.
The only thing that I am worried about is that the carpel tunnel in my left hand will get inflamed again. :(
We decorated for Christmas on Sunday and it was a lot of fun! We also got to open the first day on our German Christmas advent calenders. And Nickolaus night is to night! Yay. :) And tomarrow is Nickolaus tag! (This is a German tradition where kids set out their boots on their porch but we do in front of our bedroom doors, and Santa's helper comes and takes our Christmas list from our boots and leaves handfuls of chocolate and some oranges and nuts in our boots.) Yummy! (not that I believe in any of that).
Merry Christmas every one!!! You are all amazing!!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
A Nice Little Video
This is a video that I really enjoy watching.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Dishes and Fall break.
I did lots of dishes to day! It was fun. I am not sure why I love washing dishes. But I really enjoy it when I am in working mode.
It's funny how I organize the silver ware. I put all the forks in one spot, all the spoons in one spot and all the knifes in one spot. The rest of the dish washer is only kinda organized.
Ahh.... Fall break feels so nice! No home work. Although I still have to do my regular home school stuff. But I have a break from the programs I am taking. >:(
I only get Friday off. (F.Y.I. I go to school on Tuesdays and Fridays). Fridays are the fun days! Tuesdays are just the boring core days.
My dad was telling me how I got it all wrong. He said I should be happy that school is out. :) (He is a part time teacher).
Oh well....
I love that the weather is finally cooling down. I can't stand it when the weather is way hot. I prefer cooler over warmer (most of the time).
Monday, October 7, 2013
I Love This Song!!
This is a song that would be a dream come true if I could play it. I might start working on it measure by measure on the violin part and the piano part.
I can understand if you don't like it but I loooove it!
Loooove it!!!!!!
I'm not sure what part I would like to play more, maybe the violin part but I like both of them.
I can understand if you don't like it but I loooove it!
I'm not sure what part I would like to play more, maybe the violin part but I like both of them.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Halloween Costumes and Pizza!
So for my Halloween costume I needed (or wanted) a mask. So here are some pics of me trying on masks. |
Here is me with my costume on. It still need some work on but this is what is looks like so far:
I bought all of it at a store called Savers. Every thing has really good deals there. I got the outfit for seven bucks! (The mask was five).
We (my mom and I) were also doing errands so we stopped by I think it was called The Pie Pizza.
Me eating my yummy pizza:)
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