Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ward Christmas Party, Notes and Tour of the Tabernacle

  We had the wards Christmas party on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. I got to play my songs and I messed up a little bit in the beginning and got really embarrassed. But the rest was really good.  
I also played where are you Christmas with my friend Caitlin. (She was on the violin and I was on the piano). 
Every one loved our songs.
  There are some really talented people in our ward.There was a guitar duet and the younger kid had fingers going all over the finger board (he was playing the melody).
  There was another very talented young girl who was about seven and sung  a song from the polar express and was amazing at it. She hit all the note almost perfectly.
  So around Thanksgiving, my ward and and some other wards (all the wards were like a stake) we sung at one of Hillary Weeks performances. It was amazing. One of the videos she played was this:

So I asked my friend if she wanted to something like this. So we made 28 notes and put them in the cracks of the doors at all the houses. And we have 88 more we are going to deliver.
We just write kind things in them and at the end we wrote merry Christmas!

  The YW and YM went to temple square last night it was so much fun. We got a tour of the Tabernacle. It was so amazing!!
  There are around 270 seats but they have like 300 people in the Choir. It is because every person does not have to make it to the practices or performances.
  They have a men's wardrobe and a womens wardrobe. And apparently it is difficult to have all the men dress in the same thing 'cause all the suits basically look the same.
they have on lady make all the dresses. She has been in the Tabernacle longer than any one there. And she makes all the dresses (the guide told us it was like 200 dresses!).
  The organ is actually on a platform that can turn. so when the choir is singing the audience doesn't watch the organist they watch the choir instead.
  When the organist is doing a solo or some thing like that they turn it to face the audience.
  The room is so echo-y. If you were to stand at the opposite side of the room and a pin was dropped you would be able to hear perfectly from the opposite side of the room.
  The roof of the Tabernacle used to not be sealed onto the Tabernacle. It was just sitting there but it weighed to much that it wasn't going any where.
  If an earth quake happened it might a little bit. But now they secured it so if the roof goes so deos the rest of the building. :[ Not sure that is a good thing.
  Then after that was over we went to see the lights at temple square and got some hot chocolate. 
It was so much fun!

Merry Christmas!!

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