Thursday, December 12, 2013

Baby Sitting

  I was baby sitting to day and so the little boy that I baby sit (his name is Lincon), randomly found a top of a flash light. Weird. :} Now we had three other kids over (we/my mom and I baby sit them threee days a week for the whole day, well until dinner.)
 So I was kinda occupied with them (mostly the seven month old) and there were some paper towels sitting out. After getting some food ready I look over and Lincon is shredding the paper towels to bit.
I quickly went over and took the paper towels from him before I realized that he had shoved the flach light top he had found in there.
It was just the right size that it fit in there so perfectly it proved to be almost impossible to get out.    So I worked on getting it out for like five minutes with a worried little Lincon looking up at me. Silly little boy. I had to get a long wooden spoon and push it through.
  Earlier today I had to change his diaper :{. So when I went to throw it out the trash cans were not in the garage, they were out side.  I had my slippers on. But I was annoyed with every thing in life at that moment (yes I know it is still the same day and I am feeling much better)  so I just took of my slippers and went outside in the snow bare foot to throw it away.
I did it again just barely.
  Right now Lincon is at his house with his mom probably getting into some thing he is not suppose to get into (he does that A LOT) and the little seven month old is attempting to open my violin case that is right next to me and Angih (she is four) is singing and playing the piano and pretending she is selling my Christmas book to customers. 
  She can be really sweat but every one has a dark side. Well not really a dark side but just quirks, you know?
Baby sitting can get tiring. But it is worth it because you get the money. In one case I get a back massage. :} :)

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